Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Japanese? Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

     This anime is the most powerful show ever produced. I was so moved by the show that I spent the last 5 years watching anime and reading manga and wrote a 35 page senior thesis in high school in an attempt to capture the magnitude of this work. This journey certainly has provided me endless entertainment, but I have also begun to reevaluate my understanding of language, culture, and humanity based on the principles carried in Japanese media.
     I've attached a AMV that includes some of the most stunning scenes from this show, for your entertainment.
     Warning: Wear headphones and let yourself be blown away!


  1. Wow... I'm impressed. I love Japanese animated films too, although I think my preference is more along the lines of Hayao Miyazaki's works... どうぞ よろしく!

  2. I've watched a good number of Miyazaki films myself (my favorite must be 魔女の宅急便 [Kiki's Delivery Service]). They are excellent indeed, but not so powerful, for me, as this energetic series. Admittedly, my favorite show is quite different from each of those we've brought up: Death Note (It's simply the best TV show ever)

  3. I opened your blog because I recognized Gurren Lagann from your title! I also really liked it, completely over the top.


  4. わたしはプリンストンだいがくのにねんせいです。でも、にほんごのいちねんせいです。わたしのにほんごはあまりふるい。じゃ、また、スチベンさん。

  5. これは古いポストがあるいますが、先週ぼくは天元突破グレンラガンをみました。とてもいいアニメです。今ギガヅリルブレーカーのなまえは分かります。かみなさまはげんきで、プロトがおもしろいから、グランラガンを見たのがたのしかったです。末はきれいでした。エヴァンゲリオンの方が好きですが、グランラガンは二番目好きなアニメだとおもいます。
